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5 Essential Steps To Making The Most Of Your Weight Loss Holiday

If you are intent on losing weight, you might still be tempted to indulge in the occasional “cheat day” out of a belief that, in the large scheme of things, it won’t seriously hamper your weight loss efforts. You might even be right; however, there remain steps you should closely follow for good results.

There are some steps that you can especially benefit from taking to further your weight-shifting efforts. Follow this advice, and you can expect success – even with those “cheat days.”

Never skip breakfast

It would be a major blunder to skip meals, nutritionist Cynthia Sass told POPSUGAR. However, omitting breakfast is especially ill-advised. Your metabolism can be jump-started, and so help shift pounds, when you eat a hearty and nutritious breakfast each morning.

Opt for a meal that is rich in protein and fibre. This breakfast would help keep you energized and satisfied long after you have consumed it.

Lose more calories than you consume

It’s easy to think too hard about how to lose weight. However, there is a simple equation to it: if your calorie intake is below how many calories you are shifting, you will lose weight.

For this reason, be careful not to assume that, after a good run, you can definitely get away with a food splurge. That splurge could see you consume more calories than you have just burnt – so, look up the calorie content of that food before you take a bite.

Aim to make permanent lifestyle changes

If you want to not only shift weight but also keep it off, your lifestyle changes need to be permanent. So, you can’t just return to drinking the Coca-Cola that you had previously, when your weight loss regime began, dumped for mineral water.

Hence, it would obviously be desirable for those lifestyle changes to be enjoyable and, thus, easier to stick with. Love running? Then stick with it. Find bananas delicious? You know what to do.

Act as if you have already lost the weight

You might have a vision of doing many enjoyable things – such as holidaying in Florida, participating in a dance class, or visiting an old friend – once you have that slim figure at last.

However, whatever you are putting off, you should actually do it now, Shape reports certified health and lifestyle coach Stephanie Merchant advising. Then, you wouldn’t be punishing yourself; instead, your life would feel rewarding and, hence, help keep you motivated to shift those pounds.

Compete with others

Resist embarking on your weight-losing mission alone. Research published by the journal Obesity reveals that you could lose as much as 20% more weight in team-based weight loss competitions. That’s because of the social influence; so, find some buddies with which to compete!

You could find them at one of the weight loss holidays that Prestige Boot Camp offers in various pleasant locations – including Spain, Portugal and Somerset. You can book one of those holidays by phoning Prestige Boot Camp on 0117 973 12 13.

Paul Stainthorpe Signature

About Paul Stainthorpe

Running has been part of my life since 2011. While growing up I hated running and would do anything to avoid it at school. Give me a ball and a racket any day. It’s funny how some things change. I run for good. In 2012 I ran the 12 Days of Christmas for the Percy Hedley Foundation. In 2013 I attempted (with friend Lee Nyland), the 12 parkruns of Christmas for the Tiny Lives Trust.

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